Thursday, June 27, 2013

Lavender to chase away negativity

Lavender is great to chase away negativity. Sometimes you might feel like there is an invisible hand that's choking you, or squeezing your heart. This could very well be a psychic attack. What is a psychic attack you might wonder. If you've come in contact with negative people, their energy spills on to you and affect you this way. One of the best ways to feel better is to inhale lavender and also smudge with it. To smudge, you need the dried lavender. Light it up and walk it through your house. Smudging will clear the air and also make your house smell beautifully. You don't need to burn an entire bush, a few dried sprigs is enough. You can rub fresh or dried lavender between your thumb and forefinger and smell the heavenly scent it gives off. Lavender scent, even from a bottle (essential oil), is great to induce calmness.

Go ahead and try it. It's wonderful.

10 Steps to Self - Care...

A Real Woman...

Do not rush for GOD'S secret is PATIENCES...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


There are many different kinds of dreams. Here are some examples.

Anxiety Dreams: Something is bothering you, you are stressed out and you have a dream in which things are really messed up, nothing makes sense, perhaps you see yourself in several different fearful situations. These are anxiety dreams. It does not mean that whatever you dreamed will come true. It's a way your subconscious is dealing with your stress.

Problem Solving Dreams: I have a classic example of this. The inventor of the modern day sewing machine was busy working on his invention, but he still hadn't figured it all out yet. One day when he was exhausted from his work he fell asleep and had a dream in which native people with spears were running after him, and all their spears had a whole on the tip. When he woke up he went back to work and put the whole at the tip of the needle; the invention of the sewing machine was complete. Prior to the dream, he was putting the whole on the top as it is in a hand held sewing needle.

Prophetic Dreams: These are dreams in which messages are given either in a direct language or with symbols about future events. They are actually quite interesting and fun to decipher. If you track your dreams, you will learn the meaning of different symbols and how to interpret them. For example, water means emotions in a dream. Car is the direction your life is taking. Are you driving the car or is someone else driving it, or does the car have a mind of its own?

Healing Dreams: Sometimes you might have healing offered to you by a spiritual healer or an angel in your dream. You might go to sleep with a fever or some other symptom, have a visit from a healer and wake up healed, symptoms gone.

Recurring Dreams: You might be experiencing recurring dreams. You can be sure that the dream is pointing to an unresolved issue in your life. Your subconscious through the dream is inviting you to work on it. Once the issue is resolved, the recurring dream will stop.

Nightmares: Most people who study dreams will say that nightmares are indication of fear that needs to be confronted. I have a different take on nightmares. My own experience with nightmares is that they are disturbing visits from lower energy beings who enjoy scaring you or your child. The best way to stop this is prayer, smudging and clean energy work and boldly putting "Do Not Enter" signs up around your residence - not literal signs but Light energy as protection. This is something you need to do every so often, so that it does not wear off.

If you have any questions or comments about dreams, we invite you to post a comment.

You will never....

Faith / Hope / Peace / Joy

Oh NO, She's Up...

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Public service starts with a smile

According to the great mystic Rumi, public service starts with a smile. He advises us to always wear a smile on our faces, for this is the first step of service to mankind. The next one is to always be considerate of others and speak politely, never in such a way that would hurt their feelings. To demonstrate this point he offers the following story.

A King wanted to know the future, so he called the best fortune teller in his kingdom to give him a reading. The fortune teller sadly informed the King that his son would kill him, and that will be his end. Immediately, the King ordered the fortune teller's death, "Off with his head." Then the King called a hundred other fortune tellers to his court and asked them for a reading. They all head the same answer for the King, "Your son will kill you."

And so it was "Off with their heads."

The King was persistent, he did not give up. He brought another fortune teller to his court and asked him for a reading. This one consulted his divining tools and told the King, "Your majesty, you will never know any sorrow from your son."

The King was happy with the answer he got and the fortune teller's life was spared.

The difference between this fortune teller and the 101 before him was that this one delivered the message in the nicest possible way. He did not lie. He did not say, "Your son will not kill you." He said, "You will never know any sorrow from your son." That was the truth; the King died never knowing any sorrow from his son, albeit he died by the son's hand.

The point of the story is that even in dire circumstances, it is possible to say things in a way and not hurt the person's feelings.

This, unfortunately, seems to be a lost art in our time. People are becoming more and more brash. They are in your face, inconsiderate and down right rude.

But, we have the power to change all that. It starts with a smile.

~ Catherine M. Wallace ~ Listen earnestly .....

If someone wants you in their life,

Woman / Strong / Hot Water...

When a storm is coming,

The Knots Prayer....

Saturday, June 22, 2013

To My Children ~ I Will Be There...

Spend your time.....

Rumi: You need fire...

Rumi was a true sage, a magnificent soul whose teachings have survived to our time. I recently heard the following metaphor from a dear friend who follows Rumi's teachings. People often wonder, "What have I done to deserve all the hardships I am encountering in this life? I try to be a good person. Why me?"

Here is Rumi's answer to this dilemma that most everyone I know is facing.

If we were to use the analogy of cooking to our lives, things suddenly make sense. You could have a wonderful recipe, use the most carefully selected ingredients, but until you cook it on fire the flavours do not come together in perfect harmony.

So you see, dear reader, all the suffering we encounter in this life is the fire we need to bring all the flavours together. Never doubt that every bit of suffering you endure brings you closer to that perfect harmony and understanding of the true purpose of life.

We learn through the suffering and eventually attain enlightenment. If not in this lifetime, in the next, or the next.