Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Stress is undoubtedly the mother of most diseases in this century. Your body systems malfunction when you are under stress. You could easily end up with every conceivable disease you can think of; heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, ulcers, panic attacks, depression ..... just to name a few.

So, how do we fight stress?

In several different ways.

Firstly, have faith, believe in a higher power. Know that you are not alone in this world even if you don't have any family members left, or anyone you can trust. You always have God. He is your creator; he gave you life and one day you will go back to him. When you know that he has your back, your problems don't seem so insurmountable.

Secondly, change the way you react to stress. Make a commitment not to let it push you over the edge. Perhaps, you need to learn to take a stand for yourself. Are you letting people push you around? Learn to tell them to F off. Not everyone is deserving of your kindness. Who do they think they are to push you around? Sometimes all you need to do is make up your mind that you won't tolerate any more none sense from them and they get the message telepathically and stop bothering you. You won't even actually have to say the words.

Thirdly, make sure you do something nice for yourself. We are all martyrs, do everything for others but not enough for ourselves. Every day do something for yourself. You deserve it.

Last, but not least catch yourself when you are having negative self-talk and change your script. Force yourself to think good thoughts. Remember a cherished memory and hang on to those feelings.

It's a matter of changing the tracks in your brain. Condition yourself to be happy. Look for reasons to be happy. Make a list of things that you are happy about and give thanks for it.

You are worth it.

Truly Happy .. Go on, be Happy !!

Life is short ~ Cherish them ...

Don't ever let them go...

Throughout My Life ~ I've Learned !!

Make Yourself Happy

Be Careful ~ About Gossip

Curves is Like a Road ..

Friday, July 26, 2013


Here is an unfashionable idea: Humility.

In this day and age of "toot your horn" mentality, not many people give a second thought to humility. If they are doing well in school, business, or in their love and family life, they love to take credit for it.

The comments go something like these:

"I work hard for my money." (I am sure you've heard this one before.)
"I go to the gym every day, so I am healthy."
"My kids are getting straight As, they are so smart."
Etc., etc., etc.

In reality, everything we are experiencing is a test. Remember, the only people who are not subject to Karma are Ascended Masters, people who have achieved enlightenment, or self-realization.

One way to test a person's character is to give them money or a position, and see how they act, how they handle that power.

Another way God tests a person is by giving them a lot of pain and suffering; see how they act and handle themselves.

A person who is on a spiritual path will never take credit for the good things in their life. They will thank GOD for the blessings. By the same token, when calamity strikes they grind and bear and do the best they can, always getting their strength from GOD; and they don't complain. Because spiritual people know that everything comes from GOD, good and bad.

So, how can we take credit for anything when nothing is possible without his permission.

It is best to be humble.

The less you respond...

I will no longer allow the Negative

Tomorrow is never promised

Not everyone will appreciate

Humble yourself.


Forgive yourself for the blindness ...

Thursday, July 25, 2013


I would like to share with you a powerful recipe for invoking all kinds of healing in your body. Of all the elements, water is the one that is most affected by our feelings and thoughts. It actually gets charged when you project a certain thought to it. For example, if you hold a glass of water and think HEALING and simultaneously project this thought to the water, it will be charged with healing qualities. You can use whatever quality you aspire to invoke in yourself, charge the water with it and drink it.

Here are some ideas for charging water:
* Healing
* Happiness
* Creativity
* Flexibility
* Mental clarity
* Forgiveness
* Love

Go ahead, charge a glass of water with what you need most and drink up.


If your actions do not prove ..

Struggles are required in order to survive

No matter how good or bad you life is...

When the day is over the night will come,

Forgiveness is the best form of LOVE ..

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Anger is an acid

Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured." - Mark Twain

Another wise man giving invaluable and timeless advice to humanity. I wish everyone would understand the importance of this statement. Anger is poison in your system, in your body and your soul. Let it go. It hurts you and eats away at you, and rears its ugly head when you least expect it. It causes nothing but harm.

You will be a better and happier person, so LET IT GO.

Be Happy / Be Yourself

True ones / Biggest mistake ..

LIFE is short ...

Thank you ...

People who are attracted to you...

Hate no one ...

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

From Gandhi

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." ~~ Mahatma Gandhi

Here are the words of a sage, and how true they are. It is beyond me when people think animals are not as important as people. They are God's creation. If you respect God, then you must respect all his creations.

I know that I am preaching to the choir, but as spiritual people we must try and do our part, I am only reiterating that. The first thing is we have to educate people to respect animals, and when they feel ready to love them and rescue them.

There are many animal shelters around the world that need our help. If you can, go and volunteer at one of them, wherever you are. If you can, make a donation; food, blankets, or money.

We must teach our children to respect animals and never hurt them. I believe it all starts with education.

I pray and dream of a world in which animal cruelty is EXTINCT, not animal species.

Please, do what you can to protect the animals that God has entrusted us with. It is our moral duty.

I want to sleep ..

I'm not hot or gorgeous....

Life is Hard...

Wise / Nonsense

Life is an Echo

No Matter how you feel,

Monday, July 22, 2013


Some people have a hard time believing in destiny. They think life is not predetermined, because people have free will to make their lives into something they want, not what was written for them by an unseen power.

Here is a very good example of destiny: The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to a baby boy today, he is destined to be a king one day.

If all goes well, and the newborn prince has a healthy life ... one day he will succeed his father who will succeed his own father (the newborn's grandfather) who will succeed the great grandmother, Queen Elizabeth the II.

Notice, how I said "if all goes well". We sure hope all goes well, but only God knows what's one's destiny.

The Queen's father did not become King until his brother abdicated; or the Queen would not have ascended the throne either. There! Destiny at work again in mysterious ways.

Congratulations to the Royal Family on this happy occasion!

If You Have Faith ..