Wednesday, September 25, 2013

There are some things that MONEY just cannot buy ...

It is better to let someone walk away ...

Manners cost nothing and are priceless ..

Thank You GOD ..

I am your parent ..

Tis the time to smudge your home

Oh, what is smudging, you might ask.

Smudging is the ancient custom of exorcising negativity in your home by the burning of dried Olive leaves, Sage or Lavender, although in some cultures incense sticks are also used.

Whatever you use, make sure you are doing it.

Dig in to that drawer where you've been hiding it, pull it out and light it up. It's the time to do it as we are changing seasons.

We recommend doing it on a weekly basis for optimum results.

This is really funny! ~ Guess what day it is?

~ Reinhold Niebuhr ~ God, grant me the serenity...

Friends are not those who walk ..

Recipe for Happiness