Tuesday, April 30, 2013

...from Rumi

A lifetime without Love is of no account
Love is the Water of Life
Drink it down with heart and soul

Mevlana (1207-1273) or more commonly known as Rumi in the western world was a great Sufi mystic. His poems and teachings are timeless and as beautiful as ever.

His works were written in Persian, but translated to many languages.

If you ever feel like uplifting your soul, read some of his lines.

For more on information on Mevlana, see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumi

Monday, April 29, 2013

Meditate to grow younger

I heard an interesting bit of news on the radio today. Doctors are finding that 1 out of 200 people who get Botox injections to erase lines and wrinkles on their face are becoming immune to the drug. In other words, the Botox injections are not working as well and the treatments are not lasting as long. Keep in mind that this is a costly procedure that must be repeated about every six months.

Or you can meditate twice a day and grow younger and healthier at no cost or side effects.

The choice is yours.

I vote for meditation.

Humane working conditions for all workers

I usually harp about being kind to animals, but every once in a while I feel a deep pain in my heart when I hear horror stories about people's working conditions. Last week, an 8 story building collapsed in the outskirts of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. More than 300 people are dead; the death toll will likely rise. Hundreds are still missing. Most of these people worked for minimum wage, which is about $37/month. This amount is not even pocket money for a child in the western world.

Apparently, Bangladesh has the lowest minimum wage in the world and has been attracting a lot of foreign business in the garment industry. I am happy to hear that there are minimum wage laws and this helps people who would otherwise be unemployed and live in poverty, but I wish the business owners would listen to warnings about buildings that are not safe and evacuate them.

My heartfelt condolences go to all those families who lost a loved one in this incident. I invite you all to send loving and calming thoughts to them. Believe it or not, your good thoughts and wishes will help take some of their pain away.

This woman was one of the lucky who survived. The rest of the photos are too graphic for me to display in a blog.

Photo from Google.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Book reviews

Have you written a paranormal story? A short one or a full length book...

I would be happy to read it, give you a review and feature it in our blog. As a published author (yes, I, Dudu, have written several books) I would be hapy to give you a helping hand?

Be careful what you read

You have free will and a choice about what you read. My advice to you all is to be careful what you are feeding your mind. Every time you read something it gets filed away by your brain. Consciously, you might forget what you read, but your subconscious never forgets. Stay away from horrid, dark and twisted subjects. Feed your mind and soul only the best and the purest of topics and reading materials. Let's face it, time is short. Why waste it reading unhealthy things.

Personally, I am a very discriminating reader. I read for pleasure and for research. If I read a few pages and the material fails my "worthiness test", then I put it away.

And I never, never read anything that would constrict my heart. That is the ultimate test of goodness.

I urge you to do the same.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

A few words about the dark side

It is so uplifting when we talk about the other side and all the help we get from our deceased loved ones, the saints and the angels, but there are also dark forces out there. The spiritual plane is not populated by only the good, the lower energy beings also exist. Always protect yourselves with white light and prayer. Even the dark ones respect God's name. If you feel like there are lower energy beings tangling around you, chant God's name in whatever language you speak and ask the dark ones to go away in his name. This is the best protection you can have.

God bless you.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Sounds of nature

Spring is finally coming to North America. I love the sounds of nature that are coming from the woods across the street from my house. Nature and its creatures are talking to me in their own unique language. How soothing those sounds are. What a perfect symphony! I could just listen to them and feel the stress of the day melt away.

I urge you to be in nature as much as possible. Make a date with yourself to go and breathe in some fresh air, absorb the sunshine or look at the beautiful moon.

We are part of nature. It's in our DNA. We need to go back to our roots and blend with it. We are surrounded by so many synthetic things that our bodies crave what's natural. There is nothing more natural than nature itself.

Angels saved my baby

My daughter was barely a few months old, it was in the middle of winter and most surfaces were covered with ice. Every morning, I would take my baby to my mother to watch her while I worked. On this particular day as I was going up the steps to her door, I slipped and dropped the baby. My heart just stopped beating, I was terrified, below was a full story drop to a concrete floor. My mind froze, fear paralysed the rest of me. Oh my God, the baby will fall and hit the concrete ground. Suddenly, an unseen force shot my hand a few inches horizontally and just in time for me to catch her little ankle before I would lose her forever. There was no way she could have survived that fall. To this day, I thank the ANGELS who were there that day that saved my baby's life. Even thinking about this incident that took place 25 years ago still makes me shiver and my heart beat faster.

Angels are all around us. Thank God for their unseen help.

Remember, you have to ask your angels for their help. They do not have free will so they cannot help you unless you ask for it. They interfere only in a life or death situation as the one I shared with you.

Go ahead and ask your angels to help you. They are there whether you see them or not.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Like magic, but a true story

As a mystic I have a lot of first hand experiences with other dimensions and miracles. I also have a very close friend whom I grew up with that is also a mystic. If you were to hear the two of us talking, you'd think we are making the stuff up, or that we are crazy.

Once in a while, we live through an experience that is a little over the top even for us. This one is one of those stories that I would like to share with you.

My friend is known as a Reiki healer and a compassionate being in her community. In order to protect her privacy, I will not refer to her by her name or mention her hometown. Please, be understanding.

This incident happened about a year ago. My friend heard through another friend that a certain widow with a young daughter was having a rough time financially. Unfortunately, my friend was not in a position to make a monetary donation to the lady, but she prayed for her to find relief from somewhere.

The next day, my friend received a call from the widow. She was ecstatic. She had experienced a miracle. This is what happened:

The widow was awakened in the middle of the night by a voice and was told to go downstairs. She did. When she was in her kitchen the voice instructed her to open the window a bit and leave it open. The woman did not understand what was going on, but she obeyed the voice since it did not feel threatening or dangerous. If anything, the voice was soothing and angelic.

The next morning, the lady woke up as usual and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for her young daughter. The whole time she worried about what she could make, because they had no more food left in the house. She opened her fridge to discover that it was filled with food. There were eggs, milk, meat, fruits and vegetables, everything she could wish for. She then opened her kitchen cupboards to discover the same. Her cupboards were full of dry food staples, packages of sugar, beans, flour, etc. She could not believe her eyes. She pinched herself to see if she was awake. This was not a dream. Her empty fridge and kitchen cupboards were filled to overflowing with food.

She knew she couldn't share this story with anyone. They would think her crazy. So, she called my friend and said, "You wouldn't believe what happened...." and told her story.

My friend had no problem believing her.

Nor did I.

What a heart warming story...

This Man is Running Out of Food to Feed 400 Rescued Dogs
Photo from Care 2 Causes

Sasha Pejčić has created an animal sanctuary in Nis, Serbia. He has 400 dogs in his care. God bless Sasha and his helpers.

For the full story, click here.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

If you are feeling down in the dumps

This is such a simple thing that you will be surprised. If you are feeling down in the dumps, at the end of your rope, or simply cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, there is a surefire way to make you feel better.

Do something nice for someone, a simple act of kindness. You will be amazed how elated you will be. It is hard for me to describe the kind of elation you will feel; you just have to try it, and see it for yourself.

Acts of kindness need not be big things. They could be as simple as smiling and saying hi to a perfect stranger. If you would like to try something bigger, then get creative. Volunteer your time at an animal shelter, at a school, at a community center, at a hospital, or at a soup kitchen. There are many places you can help.

When you help, make sure you are not expecting anything in return. Don't even look for a tax receipt, because the greatest good that you will do won't be a tax write-off.

You can be sure the universe is keeping track. What you put out there will come back to you at least ten fold.

If you just do one or two simple acts of kindness, you will soon be hooked on it, and next thing you know you will be known as an angel without wings in your community.

And that is called a Lightworker.

Congratulations on your great achievement!

Image from Pinterest.com

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Listen to your gut

I am sure you all had those experiences in which a little voice murmurs in your ear, "Take the umbrella," as you are leaving the house. You look out, the sky is crystal clear, not a cloud in sight. You say, "Nnnno, I don't need my umbrella today." Of course, it rains and you get soaked.

This is a very simple example of your gut giving you heads up, and you ignoring it. We've all done it.

It's okay; these are the little experiences that teach us to trust our gut feelings, or that little voice that murmurs to us. Next time it talks to you, you would be more inclined to listen to it.

I've been soaked one too many times to ignore my gut. Now, I listen to it like it's my most trusted teacher. Let me share an incident with you. A few months ago, I was in a situation where I was offered this very "exciting" deal; but I had to take it right there and then. I was hesitating, because although it sounded like a good deal, I knew that I couldn't afford it. What good is a deal if I can't really afford it? The more I hesitated the harder the sales woman nudged me. I almost caved in, then I suddenly heard a very strong voice scream in my head, "Get up, and walk away." At that moment, I knew that this "great deal" wasn't the right one for me. My hesitation evaporated, I made up my mind that I didn't need this deal at this time, I stood up and walked away.

Had I caved in and taken the deal, I know that I would have regretted it as soon as I signed the dotted line.

I got in my car and thanked the Voice for saving me.

Next time you hear the Voice, don't ignore it. Trust it. You'll be glad you did.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Calling all Insomniacs

I would like to share with you something I discovered that will put you to sleep in no time. No, it's not a boring book.

First a few general recommendations:

1. Make sure your bedroom is dark with as little light as possible. I put a piece of paper to cover the face of the alarm clock in my bedroom.

2. It is not a good idea to have a lot of electronics in your bedroom. Turn them all off; better yet move them to another room.

3. A hot bath or shower before bed to relax your tight muscles is highly recommended.

4. Make sure you are done eating several hours before your bedtime. Do not go to bed on a full stomach.

Okay, so far, I haven't told you anything you didn't already know.

Now, my big discovery from advanced meditation techniques!

Go to bed and get into your favourite sleeping position, close your eyes and move your gaze up to a point between your eyebrows. Do not strain your eyes. If your eyes hurt, it means you are forcing it. It should be a gently gaze up with no strain. You will see things in that spot: could be colours, shapes or just shades of black. Continue looking in that direction. It is never completely black. You will be surprised at the things you will see.

When I do this, within seconds I fall asleep. I shared this technique with a few friends who confirmed that it also worked for them.

So, don't waste another night counting sheep. Give it a try.

Good night!


Earth Day

April 22, 2013

Today is Earth Day.

Let us think of this day as Mother's Day.

Earth is our Mother. We are her children. She gives us our food, water, oxygen and shelter. She is one big mama.

It is impossible to think of Earth as a planet. We are part of this huge organism. Every part of the Earth is just as important as the next.

Could you even imagine an Earth with no forests, lakes, oceans or deserts?

Earth is forgiving, just like a true mother. We pollute her, but still she provides for us. Imagine what a wonderful place Earth would be, if people took care of it, respected it and did right by it. It would truly be heaven.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Be like Mary Poppins

If you believe in magic, anything can happen.

Be the magic.  Let it happen.


Totems are animal archetypes which represent a certain trait. We talked about living without fear; now I would like to give you a tool towards that goal. If you are trying to be brave about a certain situation that has been bothering you without much success, try asking the Lion Totem to give you courage. In your mind's eye picture the King of the Jungle in all its grandeur, holding himself majestically and roaring. Feel the vibration of his roar and let your spirit absorb it. Ask the Lion to bestow you with his courage. Feel courage enter your spirit. Try roaring like a lion and affirm that you are a brave soul.

If universe throws a challenge at you, it also gives you the courage to rise to that challenge. Rethink your challenging situation, feel the Lion's courage course through your veins. Feel your heart grow stronger, your spine standing straighter. You are ready to face your challenge. Be the Lion. Roar like him.

Go get 'em!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Live without fear

I wish every human on this planet to live their lives without fear. The quality of our lives would be far greater if we live them without fear. We all have fears whether we acknowledge them or not. The first step is to acknowledge them, then face them and say, "What is the worst case scenario?" Then we should take steps to prepare for it. In preparation, we would be doing much to alleviate those fears.

Don't forget: Our worst fears become reality.

We should do all we can to overcome our fears and live our lives without the heaviness they cause in our hearts.

I wish you all a fearless life.

Lapis and Turquoise make a Dynamic Duo

If you are looking for protection and enhanced intuition try Lapis Lazuli and Turquoise. Lapis will heighten your intuition while Turquoise will give you protection from negative energies. Best way is to carry the stones on your person pinned to your undergarments or wear them as jewelry. Do whichever works for you. Here are some examples:

A charming bracelet....

a pendent.....

or a broach.

Images from Google

Friday, April 19, 2013

Go vegetarian once a week

Most people would agree that eating meat, especially red meat, is not very good for your health. From a spiritual point of view, the meat you eat not only carries the hormones and drugs given to the animal, but also its stress; stress from living in industrial farms and stress from being slaughtered. If you are having health problems and your doctor tells you to reduce your meat consumption, you would probably pay attention because your heath is on the line. I am here to help you!

I was not always a vegetarian, in fact I ate a lot of meat in my early years. Then I had the urge to be a vegetarian, but I didn't know how. I kept asking myself "What kinds of meals would I make if I am not cooking meat?" One day, it dawned on me. I would cook everything I previously did, but without the meat. It's been more than 8 years since I ate meat, and I don't miss it at all.

If you love your meat and you think of it as your primary source of protein, then do it gradually. Start with one day a week; that way you won't feel deprived. Otherwise, you will feel like you are not getting all the nutrition you need and will give up.

Here are some meatless meal ideas:
Vegetarian pizza
Pasta with sauce and cheese
Baked potatoes
Home fries
Potato salad Mediterranean style
Beans, chickpeas or lentils with rice
A huge Greek salad with Feta cheese and olives
Veggie kebabs - these are delicious; they taste better than meat; try them!

Let me know if you need more ideas and I will do my best to help you.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lapis Lazuli will enhance your intuition

Lapis Lazuli will enhance the intuition of the wearer. You can use a natural piece as a paperweight in your office, or you can choose to wear it as jewelry as shown below. I have a piece similar to this rock next to my bed. I love the cool feel of it against my skin. Place it on your third eye to enhance your visions. Your third eye is located between your eyebrows; it is your window to other dimensions.

Lapis Lazuli in its natural form.

Lapis Lazuli set as fine jewelry.


Butterflies are messengers of those who passed away! When I miss my parents, 2 butterflies come to me. I great them by saying Hi MOM & DAD!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Take 30 minutes for yourself

Most of us have such busy lives these that we go through our days on auto pilot, running from one chore to the next. How about taking 30 minutes a day to do something for ourselves? It could be a walk over the lunch hour at work, getting up 30 minutes earlier to do yoga, taking a relaxing bath, or enjoying a cup of tea with a loved one. Doing something meaningful for the self is very beneficial for the obvious reasons and also for not feeling resentful for everything that we do for others including our families and bosses. I pledge to do something for myself for 30 minutes each day. I invite you to do the same.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

When tragedy strikes, people unite

What happened in Boston yesterday it atrocious and heartbreaking; what the terrorists don't realize is that tragedy unites people. Let us offer our prayers and good wishes to the people of Boston and to all those who were hurt. They are in our thoughts.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Coffee Spirits

It's a tradition in our family to read Turkish coffee cups. Only a couple of days ago, we read my eight year old son's cup. In the cup we saw, among other things, an angel and a goal. The next day, my son had a tournament and we went to a soccer facility. As we pulled into the parking lot, my son said, "Mom, there was an angel in my cup last night, and look where we are." We were next to a cemetery and there were angels carved on the headstones. A chill went down my spine.

To give further credit to the Coffee Spirits, my son scored his first goal of the season the next day!

Coffee Spirits were right on the money that time.

I wish there was a way we could read the winning lotto numbers in the coffee cup, but so far we haven't been able to. I don't think the Coffee Spirits would go for that one.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Did you know? For any gem stone to benefit its wearer, it has to be at least 3 carats. For example, emeralds promote healing, but not one that is the size of a grain of sand.

The power of breath

Think about how important breathing is for us. We can survive without food for a long time, we can survive without water for a few days, but we cannot survive without breathing more than a few minutes - unless, of course, you are an accomplished yogi or yogini (female yogi).

When a child is born, life does not enter its body until the baby takes its first breath. Once the first breath is taken and the baby cries, the birth is declared live; otherwise it's a stillbirth. In Yoga, we learn to control the breath and rejuvenate the body. The breath is more important and more powerful than most people realize. It's the essence of life, and it's also a powerful tool. If you are meditating on a certain outcome, give it extra power by charging your breath with your thoughts and wishes, and then blow out it. Your breath will carry the energy of your thoughts into the ether. The air around you will ripple out to the universe and carry its message.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Mystic Children

My earliest memories of mystical experiences go as far back as I can remember. In fact, I cannot remember a time when I did not experience things. This goes for the good and the scary. Children are open channels to every kind of energy that floats around; and it does float around whether adults are aware of it or not.

I will try to explain the concept of a dimensional veil; or this is how I think of it. When babies are born the veil is very thin so in the first few years of life children can see a lot from other dimensions.

Yes, that's a plural word, because there are more than one. The Astral plane (the non-physical plane)has a multitude of dimensions. Those that are higher than ours (Earth's) are better places; but there are also dimensions where the vibration is lower. Those are the ones where booggie men and the like dwell.

As children grow older, the dimensional veil gets thicker becomes a thick curtain. At this point only the physical universe is visible. However, in the early years all children see things.

They see angels and good spirits and they see the lower entities. That's when the scary dreams and nightmares come. Some nightmares could be traced back to an event in the child's life, others are lower energy entities that enjoy scaring children. Why? Who knows? I think that's how they entertain themselves.

When I was a wee girl, I used to be bullied by a crazy rooster. This thing would come at me and peck me till I screamed and woke up my grandmother. She would give me a drink of water and tell me it was only a dream, but as soon as I fell asleep the rooster would come at me again. Grandma would give me another sip of water and this time she would pray over me. With the prayers said and blown into the air (more about blowing into air later - that's a topic for another day) the rooster would leave me alone; prayers, would keep him at bay.

If you have a child who suffers from bad dreams regularly, talk to your child about the content of those dreams. Try praying over your child when she falls asleep; smudging her room will also help by clearing the negative energies.

If you do not subscribe to any formal religion, then ask God and his angels for protection from the lower entities who are bothering your child.

Let me give you an example. My little guy is definitely a mystic child whose dimensional veil is pretty thin. One night he woke up crying and told me that there were booggie men bothering him. I didn't tell him there was no such thing and that it was only a dream. I told him that I would take care of the booggie men, and I did. I meditated and prayed and asked for protection in and around my house. The booggie men went away only to come back a few nights later. I was surprised since there was protection around the house. My son said they were bothering him from across the street. I was furious. I put protection around the house, so they were doing it from across the street. How dare they do that? This time I asked for protection not only for my house, but also for a good radius around it. This experience taught me something: To be specific in my request when asking for protection.

I wish you and yours happy dreams and visitors from only the higher dimensions.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Children can see what adults cannot

I took a few psychology courses as my electives when I was a university student; at one point, I even considered majoring in it, but I soon decided it wasn't the discipline for me. In one of my courses, the topic was children and their invisible friends. I almost blew a fuse; that is when I decided it was not the discipline for me to major in and I went with my other choice. I remember seeing things, from very early on, that others could not see. Obviously, I wasn't the only child who could see things or we wouldn't have made it into psychology books. If you have a child who talks about an invisible friend, please, don't tell your little one that it isn't real.

Children are far more sensitive than adults. As we grow, we are trained to keep our feet firmly planted on the ground, and we lose touch with our mystic side. How sad?

When I had my own kids and they told me about visitors in the night, I taught them not to be scared, but I also taught them how to protect themselves, and I put a lot of protection around them and our house to keep lower energy entities away.

If you have a child who wakes up in the middle of the night screaming, and tells you there is a boogie man in his room, you better smudge your house thoroughly and especially his room.

There is a lot out there that you cannot see; good and bad.

This is not the evil eye


Somebody did a very lousy translation job and called it The Evil Eye. It is not; it is a shield against evil and jealousy. Its job is to protect the wearer against evil eyes and negative energies. It is becoming more and more popular in North America, and I for one am happy for it. It is very common in other parts of the world, and those of us who use it had to put in a special order to family and friends who were traveling abroad to bring back some to us. These days, there is no longer a need for those special orders. They are a thing of the past. We can find the eyes at our local shopping malls right here in North America. It is such a good feeling when cultures exchange little things like the eye. You can wear it as jewelry, hang it in your home, office or business to ward off evil and invite good fortune; put it on your kids and pets, and even hang it on your rear view mirror to protect your car.

How simple it is to heal yourself

To heal yourself with your own energy rub your hands together, visualize the healing light, say take my aches and pain away and put your hands on your body.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Always wear turquoise

For centuries mystics believed in the protective power of turquoise and always wore it on their person. You don't need to be sporting turquoise jewelry all the time. Your protective turquoise can be worn under your garments; for example you can use a small piece of turquoise such as a bead threaded on a safety pin, pinned to an undergarment. Don't forget to intend the turquoise to protect you to double its effectiveness. When you do things with intention, you are charging it with energy and increasing its power.

Now you might be wondering how a little piece of turquoise will protect you and from what. That's a fair question. Let me explain. This universe we live in is made of energy. There are good and bad energies. People are the same. Some have good energy as their core make-up; others have not so great energy, or downright bad energy. When you come in contact with a person whose essence is in the undesirable end of the spectrum, you will be affected. The turquoise will protect you and minimize the damage.

You might wonder what would happen if you came in contact with a negative energy person. You may feel sluggish, get a headache, or even get into an accident; the possibilities are endless. My intention is not to scare you; I want to help you any way I can. If you know how to protect yourself from the unseen dangers that are out there, you will have a safer and happier life. So, why not take the extra step and wear a piece of turquoise, either as an accessory or inside your clothes? Make it a habit and do it every day as we do in our family.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mental Health

I went to a "talk on mental health" today given by a well known journalist. Her message really resonated with me and I would like to share it with you. If you break your leg, that's an acceptable situation; if you are a diabetic, hey that's a disease and you have their sympathy; if you have cancer, oh my, that's a very serious disease, people will pray for you. None of those situations has a stigma attached to it, but if you have mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression, watch out. It's high time that mental health comes out of the closet as a stigma. One in five Canadians have mental health issues. You can bet your last dollar someone you know is suffering from anxiety or depression. There is no shame in it. It's a chemical imbalance in the brain and can be treated.

Monday, April 8, 2013

The 4 vibration

April is the 4th month and resonates with the 4 vibration. The essence of this month is education and skills development. This is a perfect time to take stock of your education and skills and decide on a course of action. Are you satisfied with your current job? What could you brush up on to take you to the next level?

This is also the vibration where you will learn something about yourself and your relationships. You may be tempted to blurt out your feelings and could find yourself in an argument when it wasn't your intention to argue. Don't let yourself get into that situation; it would be counter productive.

This is also a great time to be outdoors. The nature is awakening from its winter slumber. Don't waste any opportunity to go out and absorb the sunshine and inhale the fresh spring air. It will do wonders for your soul.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Yoga is not about flexibility and getting into shape; it's about enlightenment. The word  YOG means union with the creator. Are you interested in enlightenment? Then see if there is a Kriyayoga center near you. Kriyayoga is Raj Yoga, meaning it is the king of Yoga schools. It is a scientific method. That means if you follow the teachings you will reach enlightenment, 100% of the time - you don't have to be a mystic, or a spiritualist; it will work every time. Visit: http://www.kriyayoga-yogisatyam.org/

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Magnet for animals

My daughter has always been a magnet for animals. Every stray dog in the neighbourhood ended coming up to her, they would follow her home, she'd put them in the backyard and call the Humane Society. I can't remember the number of times I came home to find yet another dog in the backyard. One time, it was a white cockatiel. I couldn't believe my eyes, this time it was a bird. My daughter had already given it a name: Angel. We put Angel with our other cockatiel and they became cage mates for the next two years. One morning, I came down to the kitchen where the cage was and found Angel at the bottom of the cage, on her side. I burst into tears. Angel was gone, she had passed on to the great beyond. My daughter was not surprised; she said Angel had come to her in her dream and she had woken up knowing that Angel was gone. My daughter has grown into a young woman now, she is no longer a child, but still has the same affinity with animals. Today, she was driving on a main road when out of nowhere out came a wild turkey, crossed the road and started running alongside her car and kept it up until my daughter turned on to another street. She pulled into her driveway, parked the car and started taking out the groceries. She had came back for more bags of groceries when she saw a snow white bunny munching on grass. My daughter, the animal magnet, ran in and came out with some carrots for the divine guest. The bunny happily accepted the peace offering of its hostess and devoured the carrots. My daughter is hoping the bunny will come back for more. I wouldn't be surprised if it does. 

Turkey represents pride, fertility, and generosity. White rabbit represents a visit from the divine.

I wonder what message these animals are delivering to my daughter. I have an idea, but for now I will keep my mouth shut.

Messages from the great beyond

I was driving to work one morning talking to my dearly departed father, asking for his help. My heart was aching, I was feeling lonely, without a shoulder I can lean on. Suddenly, a deer came out of the woods and looked me straight in the eyes. I slowed down to take in its beauty and immediately knew that the deer was a messenger from my father - telling me that he heard my cries. I was overcome with a tremendous sense of relief and peace in my heart. The hand that was squeezing my heart only seconds ago was gone. I watched the deer, gracefully lope over a cluster of bullrushes and disappear into the field. The sighting of the deer and the lightness of heart it brought me carried me over the next few weeks through a difficult time in my life. I could hear my father's voice speak to me as clearly as if he was standing next to me.


Lightworkers are people who are followers of the path of Light; even if they don't know it. Their souls are basked in divine light, they do no harm and derive great satisfaction from doing acts of kindness with no expectation of getting something back in return. Those are the true signs of a Lightworker.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Love of animals

Animals, domestic and wild, are such a huge part of our life lessons on Earth. Our humanity is being tested by the way we treat them; never forget that. Our pets love us unconditionally; who can deny that? A wild animal will never hurt you unless you disturb it, threathen its young, or he is hungry and you look like dinner. But what about people? People hurt each other for revenge, for greed, or just to be mean.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Best way to kill an intention

Here is an example of what not to do when you are intending something, because it will surely kill your intention. Let's suppose you have a bright student in your family, maybe one of your children or a niece or a nephew, and this student wants to get into a certain profession. You do not go around saying, "....is applying to law school, or medical school, or whatever school." This will attract a lot of negative energy. What you do is keep your mouth shut, send light to the intention, and announce it only after it comes true.

Another example: You would like to write a book, your lifelong dream. Shut up and just do it, and never ever tell the storyline to anyone until you have it down on paper, or it will evaporate into thin air; and that advise comes from Ernest Hemmingway. I would say he knew what he was talking about.

And another one: You would like to lose weight. Congratulations on your decision, now stop talking about it, eat healthy and go to the gym and wait for people to ask you if you lost weight. Now, you can smile and say, yes.


Intention is probably the most powerful tool we have, but people often don’t realize its importance. You must first intend things in your heart and soul before doing them physically. For example, as you wake up in the morning and you haven’t even left your bed yet, intend to have a wonderful day; a productive day; a healthy day; a safe day, etc. However, intention does not mean to advertise it to the world. You want the universe to know your intentions, not the rest of the world. Be careful whom you reveal your intentions to. Writing it on a piece of paper and taping it on your bathroom mirror or the fridge is not the way to intend things. You let the universe know and keep your mouth shut. One way to kill any project before it even starts is to advertise it to the people around you. Unbeknownst to you, people may be feeling envious of your intentions, and that creates a tremendous amount of negative energy; enough to kill your project.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Can you hear the Universe speak to you?

The Universe speaks to us in many different ways. Sometimes it's a little voice in your heart; sometimes it's in the rays of the sun; other times it's in the form of a series of events. We need only to tune in. We invite you to share your own experiences with us. Do you have a great story to share? Let's hear it.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Benefits of Sea Salt

Sea Salt can be used in a variety of ways to cleanse the body and the environment.  Soak in a bathtub with lots of sea salt (at least 2 cups, more is better) to release toxins from your body; or if you’ve come in contact with a negative individual to get rid of negativity.  Of course, the ultimate sea salt soak is one in an ocean or a sea. The Red Sea is the saltiest sea in the world; the second saltiest is the Mediterranean. If you are nowhere close to a sea or an ocean, then jump into your bathtub. If you’ve had visitors in your home of questionable sincerity and they left you feeling like your home was invaded rather than visited, throw some sea salt after. Do not do this as they are leaving or you will raise eyebrows; do it after they leave. A handful of sea salt thrown in your driveway with the intention of neutralizing their negativity will suffice.
More on intention later...


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Monday, April 1, 2013


Where does it come from? Creativity is not reading and regurgitating. It is the bubbling of new things from your soul.

Are you a mystic?

How would you know if you are a mystic? What is a mystic, anyway?
We are in tune with energies around us; we have unexplained insight to things; we have heightened levels of intuition, but not on demand. These things happen on their own accord. That is probably the biggest difference between us, mystics, and psychics. A psychic might use a crystal ball to gaze and see the future. We don’t work that way. If we are meant to know something, it is revealed to us. Little things that might mean absolutely nothing to another individual, speaks volumes to us. We have visions; we experience altered states of consciousness; we have lucid dreams. We see things in symbols.

How do you develop your mystic ways? Start with small things and build up your confidence. Learn to trust your gut. Do not look for answers out there, but within. You might be surprised at what you find.