Friday, July 11, 2014

July is 7 in Numerology

From the wise lady of numerology, Glynis McCants.

The 7 Energy is a time of introspection. If you are a social person, it's the month to take a time out. You need to relax and be with nature any way you can. If there is an ocean, lake or pool, take a swim in it. Water is particularly effective in the Month of 7 and has a calming effect on you. You should also increase your water intake.

The month of 7 is also a great time to pick up a book on spirituality, and learn something new. This is the time to fill your head with new and positive information. Since The World Number is also 7, that Double 7 energy will promote incredible honesty.
In your personal life, people will be honest and tell you what they think and admit what they really feel-- sometimes too bluntly, just watch what you say and how you say it.

Because this is the Month of honesty, public figures that are being deceptive will be exposed.

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