Sunday, July 21, 2013

An ounce of faith

An ounce of faith goes a long way to keep us out of trouble and help us keep our sanity. If you believe in a higher power, truly believe it, not just pay lip service to it then life takes on a whole new direction. Of course, we are confronted with challenges, that is part of life, nobody has a perfect life even if it seems that way from the outside, but those challenges we face become much more manageable when you have faith.

Instead of saying, "Why me?" you say, "What is God trying to teach me in this situation?"

Once you figure out the lesson, you can be sure that the problematic situation will go away.

Ask yourself: What is it that I am supposed to learn?

* Patience?
* Perseverance?
* Sympathy?
* Compassion?
* Acceptance?
* To learn to stand up for myself?
* Etc.

The list goes on and on, these are only some examples. Each word is loaded with a lot of meaning and I can write pages and pages about each one, but I leave that to you to think about. This is a place to start asking yourself questions and looking for answers within.

If you have ever gone to a Psychologist/Counselor then you know that is what they do. They ask you questions, force you to find the answers and in the process shed light to your current challenges. They never tell you "This is what you should do..."

You can be your own counselor and ask these questions to understand why certain things are happening in your life NOW.

Remember, these set of circumstances will change and new challenges will appear. Be a good student of life and learn to work through your problems by having faith that they are lessons to teach you something important which your soul needs to learn.

I wish you a fun journey through the lessons of life.

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