Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Always wear turquoise

For centuries mystics believed in the protective power of turquoise and always wore it on their person. You don't need to be sporting turquoise jewelry all the time. Your protective turquoise can be worn under your garments; for example you can use a small piece of turquoise such as a bead threaded on a safety pin, pinned to an undergarment. Don't forget to intend the turquoise to protect you to double its effectiveness. When you do things with intention, you are charging it with energy and increasing its power.

Now you might be wondering how a little piece of turquoise will protect you and from what. That's a fair question. Let me explain. This universe we live in is made of energy. There are good and bad energies. People are the same. Some have good energy as their core make-up; others have not so great energy, or downright bad energy. When you come in contact with a person whose essence is in the undesirable end of the spectrum, you will be affected. The turquoise will protect you and minimize the damage.

You might wonder what would happen if you came in contact with a negative energy person. You may feel sluggish, get a headache, or even get into an accident; the possibilities are endless. My intention is not to scare you; I want to help you any way I can. If you know how to protect yourself from the unseen dangers that are out there, you will have a safer and happier life. So, why not take the extra step and wear a piece of turquoise, either as an accessory or inside your clothes? Make it a habit and do it every day as we do in our family.

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