Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Listen to your gut

I am sure you all had those experiences in which a little voice murmurs in your ear, "Take the umbrella," as you are leaving the house. You look out, the sky is crystal clear, not a cloud in sight. You say, "Nnnno, I don't need my umbrella today." Of course, it rains and you get soaked.

This is a very simple example of your gut giving you heads up, and you ignoring it. We've all done it.

It's okay; these are the little experiences that teach us to trust our gut feelings, or that little voice that murmurs to us. Next time it talks to you, you would be more inclined to listen to it.

I've been soaked one too many times to ignore my gut. Now, I listen to it like it's my most trusted teacher. Let me share an incident with you. A few months ago, I was in a situation where I was offered this very "exciting" deal; but I had to take it right there and then. I was hesitating, because although it sounded like a good deal, I knew that I couldn't afford it. What good is a deal if I can't really afford it? The more I hesitated the harder the sales woman nudged me. I almost caved in, then I suddenly heard a very strong voice scream in my head, "Get up, and walk away." At that moment, I knew that this "great deal" wasn't the right one for me. My hesitation evaporated, I made up my mind that I didn't need this deal at this time, I stood up and walked away.

Had I caved in and taken the deal, I know that I would have regretted it as soon as I signed the dotted line.

I got in my car and thanked the Voice for saving me.

Next time you hear the Voice, don't ignore it. Trust it. You'll be glad you did.

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