Friday, April 19, 2013

Go vegetarian once a week

Most people would agree that eating meat, especially red meat, is not very good for your health. From a spiritual point of view, the meat you eat not only carries the hormones and drugs given to the animal, but also its stress; stress from living in industrial farms and stress from being slaughtered. If you are having health problems and your doctor tells you to reduce your meat consumption, you would probably pay attention because your heath is on the line. I am here to help you!

I was not always a vegetarian, in fact I ate a lot of meat in my early years. Then I had the urge to be a vegetarian, but I didn't know how. I kept asking myself "What kinds of meals would I make if I am not cooking meat?" One day, it dawned on me. I would cook everything I previously did, but without the meat. It's been more than 8 years since I ate meat, and I don't miss it at all.

If you love your meat and you think of it as your primary source of protein, then do it gradually. Start with one day a week; that way you won't feel deprived. Otherwise, you will feel like you are not getting all the nutrition you need and will give up.

Here are some meatless meal ideas:
Vegetarian pizza
Pasta with sauce and cheese
Baked potatoes
Home fries
Potato salad Mediterranean style
Beans, chickpeas or lentils with rice
A huge Greek salad with Feta cheese and olives
Veggie kebabs - these are delicious; they taste better than meat; try them!

Let me know if you need more ideas and I will do my best to help you.

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