Thursday, April 11, 2013

Children can see what adults cannot

I took a few psychology courses as my electives when I was a university student; at one point, I even considered majoring in it, but I soon decided it wasn't the discipline for me. In one of my courses, the topic was children and their invisible friends. I almost blew a fuse; that is when I decided it was not the discipline for me to major in and I went with my other choice. I remember seeing things, from very early on, that others could not see. Obviously, I wasn't the only child who could see things or we wouldn't have made it into psychology books. If you have a child who talks about an invisible friend, please, don't tell your little one that it isn't real.

Children are far more sensitive than adults. As we grow, we are trained to keep our feet firmly planted on the ground, and we lose touch with our mystic side. How sad?

When I had my own kids and they told me about visitors in the night, I taught them not to be scared, but I also taught them how to protect themselves, and I put a lot of protection around them and our house to keep lower energy entities away.

If you have a child who wakes up in the middle of the night screaming, and tells you there is a boogie man in his room, you better smudge your house thoroughly and especially his room.

There is a lot out there that you cannot see; good and bad.

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