Saturday, April 13, 2013

The power of breath

Think about how important breathing is for us. We can survive without food for a long time, we can survive without water for a few days, but we cannot survive without breathing more than a few minutes - unless, of course, you are an accomplished yogi or yogini (female yogi).

When a child is born, life does not enter its body until the baby takes its first breath. Once the first breath is taken and the baby cries, the birth is declared live; otherwise it's a stillbirth. In Yoga, we learn to control the breath and rejuvenate the body. The breath is more important and more powerful than most people realize. It's the essence of life, and it's also a powerful tool. If you are meditating on a certain outcome, give it extra power by charging your breath with your thoughts and wishes, and then blow out it. Your breath will carry the energy of your thoughts into the ether. The air around you will ripple out to the universe and carry its message.

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